For many women, the definition of entrepreneurship may be different than what is traditionally portrayed in social media

There is no question that entrepreneurship has played a significant role in shaping our economy and society today.

1. What does the word entrepreneurship mean to you, personally and professionally

Every entrepreneur has one thing in common: they see themselves as unique and want to make a difference. They have the courage and drive to pursue their goals and make their dreams a reality. A female entrepreneur is a person who is willing to make things happen, not just when it’s convenient regardless of what others think or say.

2. How has your definition changed over time

For some, entrepreneurship might mean starting our own business from scratch. Or it might be being a freelancer or working for oneself. No matter how you define it, one thing is for sure: entrepreneurship has always been about taking control of your life and your future. Strategies have changed to accommodate business needs. However, entrepreneurship has always been about self-motivation and pursuing something greater than oneself.

3. What challenges have you faced as a woman entrepreneur

You can’t become an entrepreneur without being confident and driven. Entrepreneurship is about taking a risk, not being afraid, and the desire to be successful. As our economy changes rapidly, it’s easy for us to become frustrated. Entrepreneurs have to be adaptable and creative. Female entrepreneurs need to use their skills to be competitive, while constantly feeling pressure from business and their families.

4. How do you inspire other women entrepreneurs

The entrepreneur life can feel lonely. Sometimes it’s hard to find the time or inspiration for your own passions, let alone anyone else’s.  As a reminder, female entrepreneurs are unstoppable. When I was first starting out on this journey, it felt like there were so many things that would hold me back from being successful–lack of resources or knowledge about how this whole thing worked. There are so many inspiring women out in our world doing amazing things! They’re producing videos, podcasts, writing books, that we take for granted. Sharing knowledge and information is our super-power. Empowering others opens opportunities for our own personal growth.

5. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of starting their own business

Be grateful. Not every experience is trauma. Every experience is a learning lesson. Our choice is how we choose to use the information. Gratefulness is empowering. Entrepreneurship can be tough no matter your circumstances. When you look at your hardest moments with openness, you’ll embrace those moments for what they teach you and their meaning. 

 There are many different ways to describe entrepreneurship – one way being with EPIK.  The four letters represent evolving, passion, intention, and kindness.  Entrepreneurship is an evolving process that female entrepreneurs need to adjust to. Without passion, it will be difficult to succeed. Passion brings intention and purpose to life. As a female entrepreneur, there is no room for confusion or lack of clarity. Instead, our world needs more kindness. And that is EPIK, the one word that defines entrepreneurship.

Lisa Carmichael. EPIK Mastermind Owner and Founder

Lisa Carmichael ~ Owner & Creator of EPIK Mastermind.