Sometimes, you have everything you need right now to make a good enough decision and move on with your business.

Waiting for results can be tough, but it is an unavoidable part of being an entrepreneur. By keeping a positive attitude and trusting the process, you can make it through the waiting game.

These are not conventional times. Much like the elections, you have put in the hard work and you have to wait for the results. Even construction work requires patience. This can be a very anxious time. The waiting game is hard.

Entrepreneurship can feel lonely at times. There are over 12.9 million women-owned businesses in the United States. Women are joining the small business industry in record numbers. Surround yourself with people who are cheering you on. Focus on where you can bring the most value to your industry, and on a greater level, your community. Level up by embracing your uniqueness which can differentiate yourself and your business from others.

Learn how to leverage yourself.

When you walk away from your computer with faith that those meant to work with you have your best interest, you will be in a more powerful space.  It’s magnetic. Magnetism happens when we have created our own center of influence. Being a center of influence means becoming a living magnet for your business. You are recognized as the go-to person, the one with the network, and the person who can solve other people’s problems. That’s the person you want to become because that’s who you need to be to stand out from the competition.

Whether you’re trying to find your voice or struggling from the do-it-all mindset, take a minute to step back and appreciate all that you’ve already accomplished. There are going to be hard days. There are going to be challenges. But you are full of grit, passion, and perseverance. 

If you focus on problems, you’ll only find more problems. Instead focus on what is working. All too often, when people are facing a problem, they tend to focus on the negatives. They put their attention on what is not working instead of looking at what is working. When anxiety is high, it can quickly lead to burnout. It’s ok to take a break and say no if something isn’t falling together. It’s best to have boundaries of how you manage your time to build your business–and the life you want to live.

We can get caught up in the energy of doing, perfecting, strategizing, and making things happen. Almost being obsessed with accomplishment or trying to prove yourself. In our quest for success, we miss out on the process because we are busy pursuing what’s next. There is the temptation of looking for something new or looking for the next solution to solve instead of grounding yourself.

There’s a disconnect with knowing you’ve done everything possible and waiting for the strategy to work. 

In our fast-paced culture, it’s easy to take people and our the business we have for granted. We become so focused on what we don’t have or what we want next that we fail to appreciate all of the incredible blessings in our business and our lives. But when you’re forced to stop and wait, it gives you the chance to reflect on all of the good things you have—and count your blessings instead of your problems. Trust me, that perspective shift can make all the difference in how you approach your work and life.

The next time you find yourself feeling frustrated by a situation beyond your control, remember that waiting doesn’t have to be a negative experience. When approached with the right mindset, waiting can actually be a test of your strength and character—and help you become a better entrepreneur. So instead of fighting against the wait, notice it. Use it as an opportunity to grow.

The demands of business starts piling up, and it can be easy to allow your energy to close off and repel the things you really want. Waiting allows you to check in with yourself. This experience is an opportunity to be open for a deeper transformation and shifting into a new way of thinking. Setting this intention gives our nervous system a chance to settle down and allow you to drop into that new energy. You give yourself the gift of time, patience, and focus as you let things unfold naturally.

Waiting for the results of your efforts is never easy, but patience is a necessary part of being an entrepreneur. It can be hard to be patient when you want your business to succeed. Remember, just like construction takes time follow your strategy without jumping into the next fire.

Embrace the wait.

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Lisa Carmichael. EPIK Mastermind Owner and Founder

Lisa Carmichael ~ Owner & Creator of EPIK Mastermind