What lights you up?

What matters to you?

Making the world a better place and leaving a positive impact on a large scale can seem quite overwhelming. You may not believe you have the ability to single-handedly take on such a daunting task. However, spreading kindness, showing compassion, and inspiring others is a lifelong journey that requires a daily commitment for anyone online.

Take note of what lights your fire.

When you are willing to take intentional steps, you will see the change. Of course, it requires a great deal of patience, with a deep=rooted passion. Your acts of love, kindness, and empowerment accumulate over time, and it is this snowball effect that has the capacity to create tangible and last change.

Here are three ways to make a positive impact on the world and change lives for the better.

1. Show empathy and be an active listener

 Emotional intelligence is a crucial asset to have in this day and age. It’s also the foundation of establishing mutual trust and respect with other people. Closely listening to what the other person is saying and empathizing with their situation allows you to create a safe space where they feel heard, seen, and appreciated -and vice versa. Using your emotional intelligence will help amplify your positive impact and, in turn, inspire others to do the same. It’s called The Platinum Rule: “Do unto others as they’d like done to them.”

2. Inspire others into constructive action and recognize their efforts

 You can change lives by simply taking the time to recognize someone’s efforts and inspire them into action. Praise and compliments can go a long way in making other people feel valued, respected, and highly regarded. As you acknowledge the qualities you admire in others, you can also motivate them to take initiative and make a positive difference in their lives or in the world. Our economy has shifted where the norm is compassion and understanding.

3. Share your knowledge, skills, guidance, and expertise with others

This is a leadership skill that fosters growth and continuous improvement, both for you and the people around you. When you share your industry knowledge and expertise with others, you’re giving them valuable insight into potential obstacles or opportunities they might encounter. As a leader and entrepreneur, you have learned many life lessons along the way. You may think that there’s nothing special about your skills or level of experience, but using your voice to share the wealth of knowledge you’ve accumulated so far might change another person’s life.

We all have the power to make a positive impact on the world. All we need is to understand and embrace our uniqueness, then shift our mindset to one of gratitude, optimism, and collaboration. Intention works. It allows us to develop stronger relationships. We then become more receptive to all the ways in which we can help others and the opportunities we have to change their lives for the better.