Self-Care Through Mind, Body, and Soul
Self-care is one of the most important things you can do as a multi-passionate female entrepreneur. You’re doing a lot. I mean a LOT. But sometimes your own wants and needs end up on the bottom of your to-do list. It’s not always easy to fit self-care into our already busy lives. Most are completely ‘unaware’ blaming your lack of success as victims of circumstance. If you don’t take time out of each day to focus on self-care, sadly you’ll burn out and business will suffer. That’s why it’s essential to develop a holistic approach to taking care of ourselves that includes mind, body, and soul.
Self-care isn’t a stage or a tool where you work hard to heal what you believe is wrong, missing, or even broken. In our three-dimensional world, we diagnose our problems and then get busy treating them. Self-care builds our capacity to be powerful creators allowing us to move forward toward our success and transformation.
Mind Connection
The power of your thoughts shape your reality. Life is always unfolding in our favor–to serve our expansion despite how it might seem or feel in the moment. We all have limiting beliefs that prevent us from reaching our fullest potential. We can challenge these beliefs and create new positive thought patterns. Taking time each day for meditation or mindfulness practice will ground your mind-body connection to anchor yourself to your body. It will help you become aware of any negative thoughts or feelings that come up for you so that you can address them in a healthy way. A holistic approach starts by simply noticing what thoughts come up throughout the day, then shifting those thoughts to something more positive. Nourish your mind with seeds of goodness to reap benefits you have yet to imagine.
Making time for self-reflection will help ensure that you stay connected with your purpose so that you can make decisions that align with what matters most to you. This will allow for more meaningful work and more energy throughout the day. Taking breaks during the day to recenter yourself will help keep your energy levels high so that when it comes time to work on something important, your focus won’t waiver because of exhaustion or lack of direction.
Body Connection
The second part of self-care is looking after your physical body. Clean eating is not something that we can always control. There are so many factors to consider. Eating healthy, regular exercise, and adequate sleep are essential for keeping your energy levels high and maintaining good physical health. Eating nutritious food helps fuel your body for the tasks ahead, while exercising releases endorphins which give us a natural high!
Just as you need to take time for muscle recovery after exercise, your mind also deserves a break much like your body. Both allow the nervous system to nurture cognitive pathways giving the brain an opportunity to rest and recuperate. Creating healthy activities that match your current season of life means giving yourself permission to adjust. Finally, getting enough restful sleep helps restore our bodies and minds so that we can tackle whatever comes our way with renewed energy.
Soul Connection
I promise this is not a sermon. Soul care is about nourishing ourselves spiritually with activities that bring us joy. Without my faith, I would be lost. I am a Bible-believing Christian which brings me great joy to have an understanding of my greater purpose in life. My soul needs comforting and attention just like my healthy heart. Connecting with your soul allows you to find meaning in what you do and accepting yourself fully – flaws included!
King David from the Old Testament in the Bible found activities that made him feel alive, inspired, and connected. Today we can find similar comfort. This can be reading an uplifting book; doing art or writing; listening to music; getting out in nature; cooking and creating; connecting with friends; going on an adventure—the possibilities are endless! It’s important to find activities that make you feel alive, inspired, and connected with yourself and others—this will help fill up your cup (or in my case, the Holy Spirit fills it) so you can pour out love and light into the world!
The Mind-Body-Soul Connection
Self-care isn’t just about pampering yourself when it’s convenient—it’s about taking care of yourself on all levels: mind, body, and soul. If we focus on nurturing each regularly then we’ll be able to show up as our best selves in all areas of life! The key to looking after your mental well-being is mindfulness. This means being present in the moment while paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Recognizing the mind-body-soul connection can be profoundly impactful for lowering stress and living a happier life.
The Mind-Body-Soul Connection empowers you so you can see and feel that no matter how difficult times are, there comes a benefit equal or greater than the suffering. If you’re empowered to see life happening only for your benefit, you’d be living in collaboration with it. That is the true meaning of self-care so that every life experience becomes a meaningful step that takes you deeper into your truth as a female entrepreneur.
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Lisa Carmichael ~ Owner & Creator of EPIK Mastermind
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Thank you for sharing this very important information with us. I’ve just started to set time aside in the morning and before bed just for me to do something I enjoy. Which helps me relax and keeps me motivated. Have a nice weekend and thanks for being part of the #UBC. I can’t wait to see what else you post in the future.
Thank you Glenda. I appreciate you following along. I’ve grown to really enjoy blogging.
Very helpful pointers, self care is so important and I like how you broke down each area. Many people are busy with work and taking care of family they forget to take care of themselves. I am one of those people but I’m working on change.
I’m happy to hear you enjoyed and you’re working on it. Good luck
I believe in the body-mind-soul connection too, Lisa. I think the mind is the most important because it determines what the brain does and the brain controls the rest of the body. Consequently, I’m always working on doing what the Apostle Paul directs… to capture every thought. Thanks for this timely reminder.
Such great advice. I did not know that, but it makes sense. Thanks for following along and for sharing.