My mentor taught me a lesson.  Little did I realize I’ve been Alice in Wonderland living in a fantasy that I am invincible.  These days it’s so easy to get distracted by all the shiny objects comparing myself to others and start the self-sabotage.  But that’s what I was doing?  How about you?  I’ve been spending way too much time digging myself out of rabbit hole after rabbit hole.  Not just free-falling hour after hour but rather day after day not making progress I hoped on any of my projects.

How do you get distracted?  Do you look at your phone and see a message?  It’s from the night before from one of your children who needs help with a project but of course, you can’t wake them because the message was sent after 11 pm.  Now that rabbit hole is getting deeper.  You realize you spent way too much time gardening and realize you missed your 9 am conference call.  You finally have time to check your email and a friend recommends a YouTube video that leads you to Google where you find a great new podcast that you can add to your daily morning ritual which… you forgot to do this morning because you looked at your phone.  Now you’re wondering, “when will I have time for my walk and my journaling?”

Maybe you’re an entrepreneur like me and you’re spreading yourself way too thin.  Maybe you’re technically challenged like me and what might take a millennial five minutes takes me three hours.  Oops… here we go down a new rabbit hole.  Who knew Skype was so awesome?  Find me on Skype at live:lisacar31

These days the Internet operates twenty-four hours a day, has a trillion-plus pages, and breeds rabbit holes the way rabbits breed rabbits.  I jumped down a rabbit hole and wrote this blog today.

Why?  Because I was tired of the distractions.  I am tired of answering to everyone else instead of focusing on what’s important.  As an entrepreneur, the shiny objects will never ever go away.  Something new is always going to come along, and of course, something better, to quote my mentor.

So for us as entrepreneurs instead of being like Alice In Wonderland accidentally falling down the rabbit hole and out of control visiting Twitter, Snapchat, Skype, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, and wondering why none of them are working because they are all their own rabbit holes.

I hope I’ve proven a point that I’m not alone and this problem isn’t going away on its own.  Remember the line, “you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”  The best way to stop getting lost in all the rabbit holes is to find closure on the tasks and problems you’re trying to accomplish.  Find that sense of accomplishment by completing your projects before starting something new.

I joined my digital marketing company because I knew how important mindset was.  I actually was distracted by more than one shiny object and wasn’t finding success.  Working with my mentor I realized if I couldn’t make this business work, I wasn’t going to find success anywhere else.  Somehow in my mind, jumping to another product or another shiny object seemed easier.  I was giving up on myself and not allowing myself to complete anything and get the satisfaction I craved.  Instead of berating myself for waiting until the end of the day to make time for mindset, I start my morning without looking at my phone and at a problem that’s waiting for me to solve or as Alice would say become curiouser and curiouser.

Oh, by the way, we have no food in the house, we are almost out of toilet paper, both cars need gas, and I forgot my face mask!

How do you start your morning?