One of the most important things you can do in your business is be able to identify the people you want to work with, but most importantly you need to know who your customers are.

If you want to attract more of the people you want, you need to know who they are. There’s a simple equation.

By knowing your avatar it allows you to go deeper so that every message you send to your target audience resonates with them and that they think every message is meant for them. It’s relevance, which is very important.

Knowing your avatar allows you to be more specific versus being general, because the biggest mistake you can make is trying to reach out to everyone versus being a specialist.

So who is your avatar? The first question is always “who is our target market?” Who is your customer? Once we understand who we are talking to, then we understand the problems that people are going through. Then it’s much easier creating a solution for those problems and frustrations.

Once you know who your target market is, you identify the needs of your ideal customer. To answer the question, what’s an avatar? Well, it’s a marketing term where you focus on one person in order to reach many others. It’s a fancy word for your ideal customer.

If you want to be super successful in marketing your product or service, you need to specialize instead of trying to be all things to all people. Why? First, because it’s too expensive to reach all people. And second, because most people want to buy from specialists, not generalists. This means you only need to focus on helping the people who most want and need what you have to offer. These people are called your AVATAR.

When you can talk to one person, then it’s so much easier to talk to their pain… to their frustrations, to talk to their problems, to talk what they’re going through rather than when you’re talking to everyone. When you’re talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one.

When you’re talking to one specific person, your audience will feel like, “This person knows me. They know what I’m going through. They understand me.”

What’s that do? That’s how you build rapport. That builds the know, like and trust about you to be that person who is going to be able to help them. 

Both your target audience and avatar will change. That’s why it’s important to be specific. For instance your target market is someone who already uses your product or service. If no one offers your product, think about who would want to buy your product. This answer could be as simple as “stay at home moms.”

The second question comes from what is the problem your business solves. If you want to earn extra income alongside your family, but only the available time is in the evenings. That’s when you answer the question of what is the biggest benefit of using your product or service.

Here’s the formula: My target market is ________________________, who want to stop ________________________, so they can ________________________. 

If you’re saying my demographic is women between the age of 30 and 40 who are new moms that have under two children. How many people do you think are in that market? A lot! There’s going to be a ton.

So what’s going to happen is there’s going to be a ton of moms age 30 to 40 that will resonate with you way more than someone who is 65. They are going to resonate with you because you’re speaking directly to them and what they are going through.

But FIRST you start with your target market. Most realize you need a target market for your business, but don’t realize you will need or have a target market for every product or every campaign you create.

Step One. Knowing exactly who your target market is

Step Two. Know your avatar

Marketing in general is all about communication. It’s about communicating you understand what your target market is going through. You understand their problems, their frustrations, their pains and your product and service is their solution.

Now you can start to create the perfect message to attract the best buyers. When you can emotionally connect with your market, they will fall in love with you and your irresistible offer. As your products change and your avatar changes.

Knowing your avatar allows you to go deeper so that every message you send to your target audience resonates with them and that they think every message is meant for them. A change in your product or service means a change in your marketing. It’s relevance, which is very important, your marketing helps your customers come back to you again and again and again.