Any entrepreneur will tell you that it takes more than a great idea to be successful. It also takes hard work, dedication, and skill-building. As a female entrepreneur, it’s important to focus on your strengths. There will always be a part of entrepreneurship that you’re unprepared for.  With your belief in your product or service, helping solve your customer’s problems becomes easier and easier with time. Successful female entrepreneurs know that they must work hard and invest in their skills if they want any chance of success. 

Let’s lock arms as I share these five tips to help you gain the knowledge and foundation to scale your business.

1. Creating your strategic plan.   

Your strategic plan is a blueprint that gives you a step-by-step guide to business. As a female entrepreneur, it’s important to focus on honing your skills and developing your business acumen. Business acumen is your ability to understand business issues. It’s a key characteristic of leadership. Strategic planning while thinking on your feet are the characteristics you naturally have.

Keeping the big picture by practicing kindness, setting boundaries, believing in yourself, maintaining positivity, keeping a morning routine, communicating confidently, going the extra mile are all great strategies. But what about funnels, systems, and high-level growth strategies? 

Your blueprint defines your business goals so you can have systems and procedures. Burying your head in the sand is not a good strategy. Hoping is not a good strategy. A strategy includes business goals, a financial plan, a marketing plan, and a system to track and measure. By taking the time to develop your unique strategy provides clarity for yourself and those you help. It’s the difference between being an average entrepreneur and an extraordinary entrepreneur.

2. Build strong relationships and stand out from your competition.

Female entrepreneurs have a lot of advantages when it comes to building strong relationships and standing out from their competition. They’re good at building relationships and connecting with people because they are creative and know how to persevere. Customers expect more personalization and better service than ever before. We all want to give our customers a great experience. A successful entrepreneur is never criticized for doing too much for a customer, however, they will always be criticized for doing too little.

3. Understanding your finances and the truth about becoming a millionaire.

Money represents freedom and choices. It allows you to provide for you and your family.  A successful entrepreneur equates money to service, where you make money by providing value. If you feel good about money, you’re going to become a much more effective entrepreneur. 

Managing money is a role and responsibility most don’t understand is a required skill. Money can be an easy topic to avoid, and it can be overwhelming. What is your relationship with money?  This relationship affects every other relationship you have in your life–both personally and in your business. It’s easy to think we never have enough. This scarcity mindset is what keeps many of us from achieving our goals. A scarcity mentality sees limitations instead of opportunities.

What is your word association with money? Is your language around money filled with emotion that is harsh, bitter, resentful, and anger instead uplifting and inspiring? If you think of money as a tool, it takes a bit of the pressure away so you can have more control over your spending with neutral emotions.

4. Marketing in 2022 reaching and growing more customers.

Let’s talk about the white elephant in the room. It’s no secret that marketing and sales go hand-in-hand. Many female entrepreneurs are uncomfortable with sales. The reality is if no one knows about your product or service, you’ll never be successful. Female entrepreneurs who are passionate about their business want to make a difference. Through their product or service, they’re giving someone the chance to make their life better. 

The answer to marketing strategies is innovation and keeping up with the latest trends. Optimization through google, podcasts, paid ads, social media, publishing books, and blogging are all trends that people can’t afford to miss the opportunity to reach wider audiences. Creating engagement on these platforms is a huge part of being an entrepreneur. Don’t be left behind.

5. Mentorships. Masterminds. Mindset.

Mindset is everything. Your mindset will shape how successful you are in life. Have you ever noticed that confident people seem to get more confident, that optimistic people tend to get more optimistic, that people who believe in luck seem to get more and more lucky, and that people who are negative seem to become more and more negative?

For female entrepreneurs, having the right mindset is essential for success. But it’s not always easy to stay positive and focused when you’re feeling overwhelmed or facing difficult challenges. That’s where mentorship and mastermind groups can be incredibly helpful. A mentor can provide advice, support, and guidance when you need it most, while a mastermind group can offer a sounding board for brainstorming ideas and solving problems. By surrounding yourself with positive, successful women, you can stay motivated and focused on your goals. And as you achieve your own successes, you can pay it forward by mentoring other female entrepreneurs.

How to Build Engagement to Monetize and Scale in 2022!

A female entrepreneur is evolving, passionate, inspired, and kind. Yes, you’re the female entrepreneur of this century.  You’re hard-working, goal-oriented, motivated, easy-going, a dreamer, down-to-earth, full of ideas, and always up for an adventure while hustling your business. But if your hustle and creativity isn’t creating a positive ROI, it’s time to take a closer look at the hard stuff.

I just released a 5-module training to help you Build Engagement to Monetize and Scale in 2022 going over these five tips to help you reach the next level so you can stop questioning if you’re cut out to be an entrepreneur, and no longer have a fear of failing. If you would like to join this FREE Mastermind Mini-Group Powerhouse Training or just check it out, click where it says LINK – How to Build Engagement to Monetize and Scale in 2022!

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Lisa Carmichael. EPIK Mastermind Owner and Founder

Lisa Carmichael ~ Owner & Creator of EPIK Mastermind ~