Become a Mental Health Advocate
Breaking my wrist was not part of my plan for ending this decade of mine.
What was I here to learn?
Today my hair is completely out of control. I don’t know how to make a bun with only my left hand. Typing on my keyboard with one arm which required extra effort is extremely frustrating. Ironically though, I seem to be texting at uber speed with my left thumb.
I get it. I am evolving…. But what am I here to learn?
Well, first I’ve learned a new level of gratefulness.
The outpouring of concern for my well-being has been humbling. Why did it take me breaking my arm to realize I’ve been so selfish? The generosity and caring my friends gifted me was a wake-up call to be more compassionate with much more empathy for others. It’s honestly a deeper level I never knew existed.
Second, my world stopped spinning.
Fortunately, I had systems in place to ensure my online business would continue running when my meds were working and when they were not. I had no choice but to focus on the healing of my body and mind. It was time to turn off the noise.
Last, but not least. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness.
As an independent multi-passionate entrepreneur, asking for help has been humbling. The classic “doormat” where always doing for others in order to get appreciation, gratitude, and a sense of self isn’t strength. I’ve had to become my own advocate in a new way.
Depression, anxiety, regret… you name it, I felt it. How could this have happened? Did I forget to give the ice the respect it deserved? Harriet had been on my mind for some time–Lake Harriet. Yes, that is in fact where I slipped on the ice. Often I wondered how fortunate our group of cold water submergents hadn’t experienced any injuries. I knew deep down she was trying to speak to me. I wanted to listen, but I wasn’t ready and I obviously wasn’t making time to hear her quiet message. I didn’t realize she really had a message for me.
I mean it’s possible dipping at sub-zero temperatures things could go wrong–hypothermia, heart attack, someone slipping. Instead only good has come from a ritual one can only understand through personal experience.
Why me?
This was going to be the best of the best of my fifth decade! This wasn’t part of the plan–not this year anyway. Here’s the truth, some things are just not for us to understand.
Mental health has been a big part of my life ever since my son was diagnosed with autism over 25 years ago. But thanks to early intervention he is a high-functioning young man who is finding his place in this world like everyone else. One of his many social workers once told me I would always be his number one advocate. It’s been my goal in life to teach him to advocate for himself.
Harriet has spoken to me in her own loving way.
Respect everyone and show love to others even when you’ve never experienced their pain or walked in their shoes. She wanted me to hear her message but I wasn’t ready to listen.
The good news is anyone can be a mental health advocate. A mental health advocate is any person who is willing to be a voice for individuals who suffer from mental health conditions. The more we start looking at everything in a loving presence, we become more patient, non-judging, and forgiving and can appreciate life more fully.
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Lisa Carmichael ~ Owner & Creator of EPIK Mastermind
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