September 26, 2024

Real Talk On Leadership: A Fresh Take From A Surprising Source

As women in business, we’ve all heard it: To be a strong leader, you need to be tough, laser-focused, and maybe even a little unemotional. Basically, adopt more “masculine” traits to climb that ladder– so be more assertive, more competitive, and always decisive. But what if there’s a better way?

Carlo Odicino:, the CEO of One Team Partners, shared his take on leadership during a recent episode of the Time for You Evolved podcast. His perspective is refreshingly real. He believes the secret to being an incredible leader isn’t about conforming to outdated expectations. Instead, he believes it’s about leading from the inside out. In other words, start by understanding you first. Embrace your authentic self, and then use that to empower the people around you.

Carlo said it perfectly: “If you really want to be the best leader, you have to start with yourself. You’re not trying to be someone else’s version of a good leader—you’re becoming the best version of yourself.”

Leading from Within: The Power of Authenticity in Leadership

Carlo’s advice hits home, especially for us female entrepreneurs. We’re often told to fit into this box of how a “leader” should be, but honestly, that’s not how it works anymore. Great leaders aren’t cookie-cutter—they’re authentic, vulnerable, and 100% themselves. And, according to Carlo, that’s exactly where women naturally shine.

But here’s the thing: When you own your own business, it can feel like you need to push down those authentic traits and act more masculine. Carlo gets it. He acknowledges the pressure women face and the tension that comes with it. But his advice? Let go of that need to conform and lean into who you really are.

“The women leaders that are strong have this natural authenticity,” Carlo explained, “but there’s often this pressure to act differently, more ‘male-like,’ which I think is a mistake.”  He goes on to say that we need to create work cultures where everyone—regardless of gender—feels safe to be their whole, true selves. That means vulnerability, uncertainty, and yes, even saying “I don’t know” sometimes, is not a weakness, but a strength.

Think about it: How often do we assume that if we don’t have all the answers, we’re somehow failing? Carlo turns that idea on its head: “I think people gain confidence in an organization where leaders can be transparent and say, ‘I don’t know.’”

Self-Care as Leadership: Prioritizing Well-Being for Success

Here’s the truth: Leaders who are open, honest, and take care of themselves are better equipped to support their teams. Carlo also drops some wisdom about self-care (spoiler alert: it’s non-negotiable). Forget the idea that running on empty is a badge of honor. The best leaders are those who prioritize their own well-being, and in doing so, give their team permission to do the same. “The research shows that not getting enough sleep impacts your performance, and most executives laugh when I tell them this. But if you want to show up as your best self, sleep is non-negotiable.”

So, what’s the big takeaway here for us, as women carving out our space in the business world? It’s simple: The best leaders are real. They’re vulnerable, they rest, and they lead from their heart, not from society’s checklist of what a “leader” should be. Carlo’s message is loud and clear: We don’t need to fit someone else’s mold to succeed. By embracing who we are and taking care of ourselves, we’ll not only be better leaders—we’ll set a new standard for the next generation of leaders to follow.

More about Carlo Odicino

Carlo is the CEO and Founder of One TEAM Partners, a boutique coaching and consulting company. His mission: To help early-stage companies get their product or service consumer-facing while avoiding the burnout that often occurs while working in a start-up environment. With over 24 years of demonstrated achievements scaling companies of all sizes, Carlo is an expert in guiding CEOs and their leadership teams through the challenges that come with bringing a new innovation to market while achieving exceptional results. Carlo holds an MBA from the University of Notre Dame. He lives with his wife and 2 boys in Costa Mesa, CA, and spends his free time directing high-school theater at his alma mater. To learn more or to get in contact with Carlo:


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For the Female Entrepreneur
